Tentative Agenda
Pre-Summit Workshop - Wednesday, May 28th, 2025​ - NAU Center for Native American and Indigenous Futures
12 PM - 5 PM: Pre-Summit Workshop for invited trainees/students
Day 1 - Thursday, May 29th 2025 - Science and Health Building #36
9 AM: Summit Begins
Summit Schedule for Day 1 may include:
speakers from the Navajo Nation
keynote speaker
stories from patients and their advocates
speakers from the National Institutes of Health
speakers who lead research with Navajo people
panel discussions
discussions about the moratorium on genetic research on the Navajo Nation
presentations on advancements in science and policy
~5 PM: Research Poster Reception and dinner
Day 2 - Friday, May 30th 2025 - Science and Health Building #36
9 AM: Summit Continues​
Summit Schedule for Day 2 may include:
Summary and review of Day 1​
a keynote speaker
breakout sessions and discussions
group discussion about future opportunities and next steps
4 PM: Summit Ends